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₣ (XOF)

Work Hours


The Republic of Mali is a landlocked country located in Western Africa. The official language is French. Mining is one of the primary industries in Mali, and the country also boasts a robust agricultural industry. Mali is an open door for companies looking to expand in the West African mining industry.

An employment contract in Mali may be for a fixed or indefinite term. A fixed-term contract must be prepared in writing and cannot exceed two years. It may not be renewed more than twice, or it is treated as a permanent contract. A fixed-term contract cannot provide long-term employment related to the regular and continuous activity of the company. Written contracts must contain the parties’ identities, as well as job descriptions, wages, termination and bonuses. Employment contracts for specific work are not subject to the limitation of two years, but they cannot be renewed. An employment contract with an expatriate worker must be in writing.

The standard work period in Mali is 40 hours a week and eight hours a day. Overtime is allowed for up to 18 hours per week, although the labor inspector can authorize a maximum of 60 hours per week. Night working hours are from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m.

Employees are entitled to sick leave provided they have a medical certificate.

Female employees with nine months of service receive 14 weeks of paid maternity leave in Mali, starting six weeks before the birth. If the delivery takes place before the expected due date, the rest period after the birth is extended so that the full 14 weeks is taken. This period can be extended by three weeks if there are medical complications. Female employees may be eligible for maternity benefits from Mali’s social security program. To be eligible, employees must reside in Mali and have at least nine consecutive months of covered employment.

Male employees are entitled to three days of government-paid paternity leave in Mali. This leave should be taken within 15 days of the child’s birth.

An employee is entitled to a seniority bonus in Mali, which is 3% of their annual salary after three years of service, 5% after five years of service, and an additional 1% per year up to 15 years of service.

Employees accrue annual leave in Mali at the rate of 2.5 days per month worked for a total of 30 calendar days per year. Employees receive two additional days after 15 years of service, four additional days after 20 years of service and six additional days after 25 years of service. Leave of less than 15 days should be taken continuously.

If an employee has more than 15 days of annual leave, one leave period must be 15 days and the remaining can be taken as agreed upon by the employer and employee. Employees under the age of 18 are entitled to 24 days of annual leave and employees between the ages of 18 and 21 receive 21 days of annual leave. The length of service of employees in these age groups does not impact their entitlement to annual leave. Female employees are entitled to one additional day of leave for each child they have under the age of 15 years.

In Mali, the public holidays are:

  • New Year’s Day

  • Armed Forces Day

  • Martyrs’ Day

  • Easter Monday

  • Labor Day

  • Eid al-Fitr

  • Africa Day

  • Eid al-Adha

  • Independence Day

  • Mawlid

  • Prophet’s Baptism

  • Christmas Day

Mali has a universal healthcare system, but some employers offer private healthcare as a benefit. Government-provided insurance includes benefits such as hospitalization, medicines, maternity care, outpatient care, laboratory analysis, dental care, medical imaging, general and specialist consultations.

An employment contract can be terminated in Mali at the end of the contract term (if for a fixed period), by the employer, with or without cause, or by the employee. Termination during the probation period must be in writing with notice: eight days for a weekly worker, one month for monthly workers, two months for supervisors, and three months for executives and those in managerial positions.

The employer can terminate a fixed-term contract, but the employee is entitled to compensation by law. A permanent contract may be terminated by either party with written notice to the other party. If the employer terminates the contract after three months of work, they are required to inform the Labor Inspector in writing. The notice period is the same as the notice period during probation. Severance is required unless termination is for misconduct or specific economic reasons.

  • Local Laws & Regulations

    We understand that local laws and regulations change and sourcing an accurate reference guide is not easy. Our data is researched and verified by our team of local international Employment Attorneys, HR and Benefit Professionals and Tax Accountants through our Atlas team and consultants, to ensure information up-to-date and accurate.

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    Partnering with Atlas when expanding into Mali can dramatically reduce the standard brick and mortar processes of doing business in foreign markets and allow you to focus on what you do best, growing your company! To discover more about how Atlas can simplify your ability to expand globally, please feel free to contact us.

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